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How to Attract High Quality Backlinks Using Statistics Content

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How to Attract High Quality Backlinks Using Statistics Content

Having trouble gaining backlinks? Learn how to use statistics material to drive visitors and backlinks to your website naturally.

Assume you get up at eight in the morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, down your first dose of the day, and then settle down to do some chilly but necessary backlink outreach.

You've been attempting valiantly for months, like a fifth-grade girl crushing hard, to win the attention of various websites that are deserving of links, only to be heartbreakingly rejected.

It seems to be taking too much work for too little return
You're at a loss for words.

Even paying for guest posts has cost you a significant amount of money. And even that hasn't yielded the kind of results you had hoped for.

You are aware that building quality links is the most organic approach to growing, but how do you acquire backlinks naturally?

Here's my hot take: By providing a fantastic resource page for content authors, use statistical material to earn natural backlinks.

This straightforward strategy equips you for success and, over time, saves you a ton of time.

Let's now see how this functions.

Why Is It Important To Produce Statistics-Based Content For Link Building?
Obtaining backlinks through cold email outreach can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack, as you are already aware
Their spam folder receives your email. They read it but don't answer right away or don't respond for months before ghosting you.

It takes time and is frustrating either way.

Guest articles can consume a significant portion of your marketing budget, further complicating matters.

To genuinely be done successfully, content development requires several individuals (a writer, editor, designer, and strategy) and time.
Make sure that every piece of content you produce matters.

By concentrating on teaching your audience and creating "less salesy" content, you'll position yourself for success by drawing in your ideal audience and naturally constructing links.

In exchange, as you build more natural backlinks, your domain authority rises, propelling you to page one of Google.

1. Your brand is put in a thought-leadership position.
A straightforward strategy to establish your brand as a thought leader is to carefully produce material with reliable facts for your target market, product, or industry.

If you do it right, people will look to you for reliable information, which will open up prospects for sharing.

I want to stress right now that acquiring data does not include simply slurping up statistics from various websites and spitting them back out.
The information you decide to share should be as unique and pertinent to your business as is feasible.

These posts are fantastic tools for enhancing your website and the authority of your brand, even if they can be more difficult to write because you'll need to go into your detective data-gathering mentality.

2. Content Producers Have Already Started Looking for It
Since statistics are frequently employed as a primary source of information, content producers (journalists, marketers, bloggers, data analysts, market researchers, etc.) constantly look for them.

With the spread of fake news, it is more important than ever to distribute reliable content, especially for those who have a larger following.

Because of this, makers take the dissemination of precise and open statistics seriously.

Because of this, companies like yours are actively sought after by content producers who need reliable statistics to support their own work.

Your material will probably be cited as a reliable source by content producers in your sector.

3. It is shared more frequently.
People enjoy numbers, to put it simply.

They seek something concrete to grasp since information can support theories.

Because of this, articles with data are shared considerably more frequently on both social media and blogging sites.

In fact, this is the cornerstone of a typical data-driven PR plan since it works so well.

In either case, it will improve your backlink status and social presence.

What a win-win situation!

4. You can be ranked for it.
Consider the artists who work in your field.

What would they enter as a search term to locate statistics?

"Beauty statistics 2022," perhaps, if you work in the cosmetics industry.

"New tech statistics May 2022," perhaps, if you work in the tech sector.

Do you get the picture?
After putting yourself in the creator's position, you can choose a term that will produce backlinks and rank naturally.

Additionally, the higher you rank, the more backlinks you'll produce because you'll receive more SERP clicks, which translates to more organic traffic.

Your primary objective should always be to produce themes with popular keywords.

In essence, you build a system that automatically builds links (as long as those statistics stay timely and relevant).

Now that this situation has you on the edge of your seat, how can you help?

  Nov 12, 2022       by eguaogie-eghosa       755 Views

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